Canada Mental Health Helplines


If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help, also if you’re showing signs and/or symptoms of anything out of the ordinary, seek professional help from a medical team as soon as possible.


Here is a comprehensive list of suicide hotlines, crisis lines, and helplines from all around the world. In times of need, reach for the phone. You have nothing to lose. Every drop of kindness, care, and understanding makes a difference.

Note: All helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines play an essential role in allowing people to communicate in their way and at their time. People feel a sense of control and are free to discuss matters far too risky to share face-to-face. In general, helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines have three things in common:

1) They are often available to call 24 hours a day, seven days a week
2) They don’t cost you anything
3) They are confidential

Calling a helpline, crisis line, and or suicide hotline is a great way to be heard and get sound advice on how to approach your problems. When help is needed, this is an excellent place to start. Below is an extensive list of helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines from all around the world. Please choose your country and call the appropriate number. Please also let me know if I have missed any services around the world as you also could be saving someone’s life.

Canadian Mental Health Association – Calgary Region

Canadian Mental Health Association offers support for people in Calgary Region who are contemplating suicide, feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing abuse.

Tel: (403) 297-1700



Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton Region

Canadian Mental Health Association provides 24-hour immediate support to people in Edmonton Region who are contemplating suicide, feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing abuse.
Tel: 780-482-4357


Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays

Canadian Mental Health Association provides 24-hour immediate support to people in Kootenays who are contemplating suicide, feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing abuse.
Tel: 1-888-353-2273


Centre de prévention suicide de la Haute-Yamaska

Centre de prévention suicide de la Haute-Yamaska offers 24-hour support to people in
Richelieu-Yamaska who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 450-375-4252


Centre de prévention du suicide de Lanaudière

Centre de prévention du suicide de Lanaudière offers support to people in Lanaudière who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 450 759-6116


Centre Prévention Suicide Faubourg

Centre Prévention Suicide Faubourg offers 24-hour free services to people in Quebec who are in distress, at risk of suicide or in crisis.
Tel: 1-866-277-3553


Champlain District Crisis Line

Champlain District Crisis Line offers services to people in Champlain District who are experiencing a situational crisis, psychosis or suicidal behaviour, severe depression, or suicidal behaviour.
Tel: 613-722-6914 (within Ottawa)
Tel: 1-866-996-0991(outside Ottawa)


Chimo Helpline

Chimo Helpline offers 24-hour service to all residents of New Brunswick who are in crisis or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 1-800-667-5005

CMHA British Columbia – Vernon

CMHA British Columbia offers free 24/7 phone support and referral service to people in Vernon. They provide confidential and non-judgmental emotional support for those in need.
Tel: 1-888-353-2273


Craigwood Youth Services

Craigwood Youth Services offers 24-hour and intervention to people in London and nearby communities who are dealing with mental health problems.
Tel: 519-433-0334


Crisis Line Association of BC

Crisis Line Association of BC provides emotional support, information, and resources specific to mental health to people throughout British Columbia.
Tel: 1-800-784-2433


Crisis Service Canada

Crisis Service Canada offers 24-hour support service to people in Canada who are in distress, suicidal or in crisis.
Tel: 1.833.456.4566


Distress Centre Toronto

Distress Centre Toronto offers 24-hour emotional support to individuals in Greater Toronto. Their crisis and emotional distress services are available via hotline, online chat, and text.

Tel: 416-408-4357


Distress and Crisis Ontario

Distress and Crisis Ontario offers instant support and a variety of services to their communities and are a place where you can find a listening ear for anyone who is feeling lonely, depressed, is struggling with suicidal ideation, or who is otherwise in need of support.

Text: SUPPORT to 258258



Distress Centre Calgary

Distress Centre Calgary provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Calgary.
Tel: 403.266.4357


Distress Centre Ottawa & Region

Distress Centre Ottawa & Region offers emotional support to people in Ottawa. Services are available in English and French.

Tel: 613-238-3311 (Distress Line)

Tel: 613.722.6914 (Crisis Line)

Tel: 1-866-996-0991 (Toll free)

Chat & Text: 343-306-5550 (10 a.m.-11 p.m.)


Distress Centre Durham

Distress Centre Durham provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Durham.

Tel: 905-430-2522 (Distress line)

Tel: 1-800-452-0688 (Toll free)


Distress Centre Peel

Distress Centre Peel provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Peel. Services are available in English and French.

Tel: 905-568-1068 (Crisis Line)


Distress Centre Halton

Distress Centre Halton provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Halton. Services are available in English and French.

Tel: 905-849-4541 (Oakville)

Tel: 905-681-1488 (Burlington)

Tel: 905-877-1211 (Milton/Halton Hills)


Distress Centre Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville counties

Distress Centre Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville counties provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Lanark, Leeds, and Grenville. The distress line is available daily from 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tel: 1-800-465-4442 (Distress line)


Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough

Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough provides 24-hour emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Peterborough.

Tel: 705-745-2273 (Crisis Line)


Distress Centre Niagara- Fort Erie and Area

Distress Centre Niagara provides 24-hour telephone service to people in the Fort Erie area who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 905-382-0689


Distress Centre Niagara- Grimsby, West Lincoln

Distress Centre Niagara provides 24-hour telephone service to people in Grimsby, West Lincoln who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 905-563-6674


Distress Centre Niagara- Port Colborne, Wainfleet and Area

Distress Centre Niagara provides 24-hour telephone service to people in Port Colborne, Wainfleet who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 905-734-1212


Distress Centre Niagara- St. Catharines, Niagara Falls And Area

Distress Centre Niagara provides 24-hour telephone service to people in St. Catharines, Niagara Falls area who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 905-688-3711


Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta (Canada)

Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta is a 24-Hour phone support for Individuals experiencing a crisis.

Tel: 403 327 7905

Tel: 1-888-787-2880 (Toll free)


Distress Centre Windsor/Essex

Distress Centre Windsor/Essex provides emotional support and referral information pertaining to appropriate inquiries from callers in Windsor/Essex. 12 noon – 12 midnight

Tel: +1 (519) 256-5000


Distress Centre Wellington/Dufferin

Distress Centre Wellington/Dufferin provides support service for people who are experiencing distress about their circumstances.

Tel: 519-821-0140 (Crisis Line)

Tel: 1-877-822-0140 (Toll free)

Tel: +1 (519) 821 3760 (Distress Line)

Tel: 1-888-821-3760 (Toll free)


Talk 4 Healing (Beendigen Inc)

Toll-free lines are open 24/7 to provide support during the COVID-19 health crisis. Languages: offers services in 14 languages all across Ontario such as English, Ojibway, Oji-cree, and Cree.

Tel: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325) (Distress line)

Tel: 807-346-HELP (4357) (Thunder Bay)

Tel: 1-888-200-9997 (Toll free)


Family Counselling Centre Sarnia-Lambton

The Distress Line is available from 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM EST, daily.

Tel: 519-336-3000 (Distress Line)

Tel: 1-888-DISTRESS (1-888-347-8738) (Toll-free)


Spectra Helpline – Brampton

Spectra Helpline provides support for people in the Brampton area who are in crisis/suicidal; dealing with mental health issues; and are socially & psychologically isolated.

Tel: +1 (905) 459 7777


COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team)

COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team) offers 24-hour support to anyone who is experiencing a mental health crisis in Hamilton.

Tel: 905-972-8338

Tel: 1-844-972-8338 (Toll free)


Tel-Aide Outaouais

Tel-Aide Outaouais offers French-language mental health telephone support from 8 a.m. to midnight every day.

Tel: 613-741-6433 (Ottawa)

Tel: 819-775-3223 (Gatineau)


Suicide Action Montreal

Suicide Action Montreal offers emotional support for people in Montreal who are in distress or at risk of suicide.

Tel: 1 866 277-3553

Text: 535353


Dr Margaret Savage Crisis Centre

Dr Margaret Savage Crisis Centre provides assistance, support and advocacy for people in Alberta who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 780-594-3353


First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all indigenous peoples across Canada. Phone and chat counselling is available in English and French. On request, phone counselling is also available in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.

Tel: 1-855-242-3310


Fraser Health Crisis Line

Fraser Health Crisis Line provides 24-hour immediate, free, and confidential emotional support, crisis intervention and community resource information to people in the Fraser Health region.
Tel: 604-951-8855 / 1-877-820-7444 (Toll free)


Gerstein Crisis Centre

Gerstein Crisis Centre offers 24-hour crisis services for adults 16+ in the City of Toronto, who are dealing with a serious mental health issues, concurrent or substance use issues and are currently in crisis.
Tel: 416-929-9647


Grey and Bruce Crisis Line

Grey and Bruce Crisis Line offers services to people in Bruce and Grey who are experiencing a situational crisis, psychosis or suicidal behaviour, severe depression, or suicidal behaviour.
Tel: 1-877-470-5200


JEVI Centre de prévention du suicide – Estrie

JEVI Centre de prévention du suicide offers quality services for suicidal people, their families, bereaved people following a suicide (youth, adults and seniors) as well as those who work with them in Estrie Region.
Tel: 819 564-1354


Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone offers free, 24/7 professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in Canada in both English and French.

Tel: 1-800-668-6868


La maison sous les arbres

La Maison sous les Arbres offers services to people in Châteauguay who are experiencing a situation of imbalance, distress or psychosocial crisis, psychiatric or psycho-traumatic with or without suicidal ideation as well as to anyone wishing to receive help related to these issues.
Tel: 450-699-5935


Le Tournant

Le Tournant offers 24-hour services to people in Quebec who are at risk of suicide or in crisis.
Tel: 450 371-4090


North East Outreach and Support Services

North East Outreach and Support Services provide information, referrals, and support services for victims of sexual assault and those who are at risk of suicide.
Tel: 1.800.611.6349


NWT Help Line

NWT Help Line offers confidential support to residents of the Northwest Territories, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is 100% free and confidential. Trained Responders can help you with any number of issues, including stress management, suicidal thoughts, abuse, sexual assault, and depression.
Tel: 1-800-661-0844


Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Helpline

Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Helpline offers emotional support to people in northern Canada who are in crisis.

Tel: 876-979-3333 (Distress line)

Tel: 1-800-265-3333 (Toll free)


Outaouais Distress Line

Outaouais Distress Line offers telephone service for English-speaking clients in Outaouais. Any feeling, any issue that disturbs your well-being or ability to cope is something worth discussing.
Tel: 1-866-676-1080


Safe Haven Women’s Shelter Society

Emergency Shelter Services for Women and Children. Family/Friends worried for a person in Distress/Crisis/Suicidal.
Tel: 403-223-0483


Some Other Solutions

Some Other Solutions offers 24-hour emotional support to people in Canada who are struggling with all aspects of mental and emotional health.
Tel: 780-743-4357


Telecare Crisis & Caring Line

Telecare Crisis & Caring Line provides telephone befriending, caring, and empathetic listening for people in British Columbia who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 1-888-852-9099


Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK)

Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK) offers confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental listening support services for all members of the Kingston community and surrounding area. The distress line is available daily from 6:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Tel: 613-544-1771 (Distress line)


Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline offers 24-hour support to trans people in Canada who are in crisis or just need someone to talk to.
Tel: 877-330-6366


Vancouver Island Crisis Society

Vancouver Island Crisis Society offers 24-hour service to the people in the islands of the Georgia Strait, and the mainland communities between Powell River and Rivers Inlet who are in distress or in crisis.
Tel: 1-888-494-3888


Wheatland Crisis Society

Wheatland Crisis Society provides safety, shelter, food, clothing, crisis counselling, referral and advocacy to people in Strathmore who are impacted by family abuse or in crisis. They have over 20 caring and trained staff members who are committed to helping rebuild lives affected by family abuse.

Tel: 1-877-934-6634


Wood’s Homes

Wood’s Homes provides 24/7 crisis phone support for children and families in Calgary.
Tel: 1-800-563-6106 Chat Service is an online crisis & emotional support chat service. We listen without judgement, and keep chats confidential & anonymous.

Text Us: 778 783 0177

Start Online IM Chat:


Certified Listeners Society

Certified Listeners Society provides an emotional support chat centre. Their Certified Listeners are willing to listen, support you, and guide you in the right direction.

Tel: 1-647-243-0650




National Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line

National Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line offers 24-hour mental health and wellness support for indigenous people.

Tel: 1-866-925-4419


Naseeha Mental Health

Naseeha Mental Health provides anonymous, confidential, and non-judgmental text or calls support 7 days a week from 12 pm to 12 am (Eastern time).

Tel: 1 (866) 627-3342 (Call & Text)



Manitoba Addictions Helpline

Manitoba Addictions Helpline provides free and confidential support to people across Manitoba who are dealing with an alcohol, drug or gambling problem.

Tel: 1-855-662-6605


S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Helplines

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Helplines provide Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking callers with confidential emotional support and referrals to community resources that can support them to address a wide range of life issues. The helplines are available seven days per week from 10 am to 10 pm.

Cantonese Line: 604-270-8233

Mandarin Line: 604-270-8222

Korean Line: 1 (888)-721-0596 / Ext. 3



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