If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help, also if you’re showing signs and/or symptoms of anything out of the ordinary, seek professional help from a medical team as soon as possible.
Here is a comprehensive list of suicide hotlines, crisis lines, and helplines from all around the world. In times of need, reach for the phone. You have nothing to lose. Every drop of kindness, care, and understanding makes a difference.
Note: All helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines play an essential role in allowing people to communicate in their way and at their time. People feel a sense of control and are free to discuss matters far too risky to share face-to-face. In general, helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines have three things in common:
1) They are often available to call 24 hours a day, seven days a week
2) They don’t cost you anything
3) They are confidential
Calling a helpline, crisis line, and or suicide hotline is a great way to be heard and get sound advice on how to approach your problems. When help is needed, this is an excellent place to start. Below is an extensive list of helplines, crisis lines, and suicide hotlines from all around the world. Please choose your country and call the appropriate number. Please also let me know if I have missed any services around the world as you also could be saving someone’s life.
Note: Below here will be broken down even further for easier to read of where you are from to reach out to your support on the helplines in your country.
Emotional support helpline
Emotional support helpline is an Austrian helpline that provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.Tel: 116123
SOS KINDERDORF-Rat auf Draht offers 24-hour service, free of charge from all over Austria. Psychologists answer your questions and advise you on problems concerning children and adolescents.Tel: 147
Telefonseelsorge offers 24-hour free, confidential support for people who are looking for a competent, empathetic, and confidential person to talk to.Tel: 142
24-Stunden Frauennotruf
24-Stunden Frauennotruf offers 24-hour free and confidential support for women and girls who have been affected by sexualised, physical, and/or psychological violence – no matter how long ago the experience of violence happened. violence including Sundays and public holidays.
Tel: 0171719
Jedmayer Krisentelefon
Jedmayer crisis hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Tel: 01 4000 53799
KIZ – Kriseninterventionszentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not
KIZ – Kriseninterventionszentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not offers 24/7 support for youth and parents in Austria.Tel: 0 512 58 00 59
Kindernotruf hotline
Kindernotruf offers 24-hour support if you have a problem or notice that a child in your area is having difficulties.Tel: 0 800 567 567
Männernotruf hotline
Männernotruf hotline offers support for men in crisis and violent situations and can be reached from all over Austria.Tel: 0800 246 247
Kidsline offers free of charge advice for young people from landlines and mobile phones. The helpline is available daily from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tel: 0800 234 123
Time4friends is the youth platform of the Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Youth Red Cross You can reach them daily from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on WhatsApp.Tel: 0664 1070 144
Initiative for Development Crisis Hotline
Initiative for Development Crisis Hotline offers support for the youths in Austria who are having serious problems including mental health problems.Tel: 510-66-36
Community Help Service is an anonymous, confidential, 24/7 telephone service that provides support in English to people who do not speak French or Dutch.
Tel: 32 (0) 2 648 40 14
Centrum ter Preventie van Zelfmoord offers a 24-hour service for Dutch speakers in Belgium who are looking for help or information about suicide and its prevention.
Tel: 1813
Tele Onthaal
Tele Onthaal is a 24-hour support line in Belgium for Dutch speakers who are experiencing emotional problems of any kind.
Tel: 106
Télé-Accueil Bruxelles
Télé-Accueil Bruxelles lines are open 24 hours a day to any French speaker who needs to talk.
Tel: 107
Centre de Prévention du Suicide
Centre de Prévention du Suicide provides psychological support to French speakers experiencing problems and personal crises through dialogue to prevent them from taking their own life.
Tel: 0800 32 123
103-Ecoute-Enfants responds to children and adolescents who face difficulties and ask questions. The line is accessible from 10:00 to 24:00, every day.
Tel: 103
Alcooliques Anonymes
Alcooliques Anonymes offers support for alcoholics who want to recover.
Tel: 78152556
Centre de Prévention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales
Centre de Prévention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales offers support for people in Belgium ho have issues related to domestic violence. The line is available from 9am to 5pm.
Tel: 02 539 27 44
Awel Youth Helpline
Awel Youth Helpline offers support to children and young people in Belgium and is available from 4 pm to 10 pm, except on Sundays and public holidays. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, you can call from 2 pm.
Tel: 102
Telefonhilfe offers 24-hour anonymous life support in the German-speaking community.
Tel: 108
Chat: https://telefonhilfe.sittool.net/chat
Email: https://mailberatung.telefonhilfe.be/accounts/login/?next=/
Belarus Emergency Hotline
Belarus Emergency Hotline offers 24-hour service to people throughout Belarus who are in an emergency situation or is at risk of suicide.
Tel: 102
Минский областной клинический центр “Психиатрия – наркология” (Minsk Regional Clinical Centre ‘Psychiatry-Addiction’)
Минский областной клинический центр “Психиатрия – наркология” (Minsk Regional Clinical Centre ‘Psychiatry-Addiction’) offers 24 hour support for people in Belarus.
375 (29) 899 04 01 (telegram,whatsapp viber)
375 (29) 101-73-73 (A1)
375 (17) 311-00-99 (landline phone)
Telephone Children’s Helpline
Telephone Children’s Helpline provides 24-hour support for children in Belarus who are having a problem including mental health issues.
Tel: 8 (801) 100-16-11 (calls from landlines are free)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Plavi Telefon
Plavi telefon provides support to people in Bosnia and Herzegovina for issues such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide that traditional centres might not accomplish. They operate from 9:00 -17:00.
Tel: 080 05 03 05
Bulgarian National Helpline for Children
Bulgarian National Helpline for Children offers 24-hour services for children in Bulgaria who need someone to talk to or be with them at a difficult time.
Tel: 116 111
Sofia Hotline
Sofia Hotline offers service to people in Bulgaria who need help related to suicide.
Tel: 0035 9249 17 223
Animus Association Foundation helpline
Animus Association Foundation helpline offers support for survivors of domestic violence in Bulgaria and is available every Wednesday from 17:30 to 21:30.
Tel: 02 981 76 86
Tel: 0800 1 86 76
Plavi Telefon- Blue Phone
Plavi Telefon- Blue Phone provides support to people in Croatia for issues such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide that traditional centres might not accomplish.
Tel: 01/4833-888
Hrabri Telefon- Brave Phone
Hrabri Telefon- Brave Phone provides support to abused and neglected children and their families.
Tel: 11 6 0111
Emotional support helpline
Emotional support helpline, operated by Life Line Hellas, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
24 Hour Suicide Prevention Line
The 24 Hour Suicide Prevention Line offers 24-hour service to people in Greece who experience depression and suicidal thoughts.
Tel: 1018
National Telephone Line for Children
National Telephone Line for Children provides support to children in preventing and dealing with violence (Physical, Sexual & Psychological Abuse, Neglect, Bullying, Trafficking & Trafficking).
Tel: 1056
Emotional support helpline
Emotional support helpline, operated by LESZ, offers 24-hour service to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide in Hungary.
Tel: 116 123
Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány
Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány provides 24 hour emotional support to children who are in distress throughout Hungary.
Tel: 116 111
Hjálparsíma provides 24-hour active listening and advice on community resources to people of all ages in need of support, such as depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts.
Tel: 171
CypruCyprus Samaritans
Cyprus Samaritans provides counselling and mental health support to people in Cyprus who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 8000 7773
Emotional support helpline
Emotional support helpline, operated by SPAVO, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Livslinien offers services to people in Denmark who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 70 201 201
Lev uden Vold – Live Without Violence
Lev uden Vold – Live Without Violence’s national hotline offers 24-hour anonymous and free advice to women and men exposed to violence and violence, rape victims, relatives, and professionals who deal with the target group.
Tel: 1888
Alkohol & Samfund Helpline
Alkohol & Samfund Helpline offers free and anonymous counseling to citizens with alcohol problems. Available every Monday at 9-17, Tuesday to Friday at 11-17.
Tel: 80 200 500
BørneTelefonen – Children’s Phone
BørneTelefonen – Children’s Phone offers 24 hour free and anonymous support to people in Denmark who are facing different life problems.
Tel: 116111
Psykiatrifonden, Mental Health Helpline
Psykiatrifonden, Mental Health Helpline offers free and confidential advice on all mental health concerns and extends this service to English speakers.
Tel: 39 25 25 25
Startlinjen – Start Line
Startlinjen – Start Line offers free and anonymous mental health support to people in Denmark from 4pm to 11pm.
Tel: 3536 2600
Eluliin (Estonian Lifeline)
Eluliin (Estonian Lifeline) provides to people in Estonia who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 3726558088
MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry
MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry provides mental health information and services to people in Finland who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 09 2525 0111
National Crisis Line for Crisis Assistance – Phone
National Crisis Line for Crisis Assistance – Phone offers emotional support to people in Finland who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 01019 5202
Itsemurhien ehkäisykeskus, SOS – palvelu
Itsemurhien ehkäisykeskus, SOS – palvelu offers emotional support to people in Finland who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 09-731391
Tel: 040-5032199
FranceS.O.S. Amitié
SOS Amitié offers 24/7 service in France for anyone who needs to speak anonymously and confidentially. They have 1,700 trained listening volunteers that can listen to your malaise.
Tel: 09 72 39 40 50
Suicide écoute offers 24-hour service to people in France who suffer both psychologically and physically.
Tel: 01 45 39 40 00
SOS Help
SOS Help offers emotional support to people in France who are in distress or suicidal.
Tel: 01 46 21 46 46
E.P.E. idF. Fil Sante Jeunes
E.P.E. idF. Fil Sante Jeune offers emotional support to people in France who are in distress or suicidal.
Tel: 0800 235 236
Chat: https://www.filsantejeunes.com/tchat-individuel
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by Die TelefonSeelsorge, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116 123
TelefonSeelsorge offers 24-hour emotional support to people in Germany who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 0800 111 0 111
Tel: 0800 111 0 222
International Helpline Berlin
International Helpline Berlin provides emotional support to people in Germany who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 030-44 01 06 07
Tel: 030-44 01 06 06 (Russian service)
Berlin Crisis Service
The Berlin Crisis Service provides 24-hour fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental and psychiatric emergencies.
Tel: 030 390 63 10 (Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
Tel: 030 390 63 20 (Charlottenburg, Wilmersdorf)
Tel: 030 390 63 30 (Spandau)
Tel: 030 390 6340 (Pankow)
Tel: 030 390 63 50 (Reinickendorf)
Tel: 030 390 63 60 (Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg)
Tel: 030 390 63 70 (Lichtenberg, Marzahn-Hellersdorf phone)
Tel: 030 390 63 80 (Treptow-Köpenick phone)
Tel: 030 390 63 90(Neukölln phone)
Nummergegen Kummer (Elterntelefon)
Nummergegen Kummer (Elterntelefon) offers free and anonymous telephone advice throughout Germany. The line is available from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday until 7 p.m.
Tel: 0800 111 0 550
Guttempler offers 24-hour confidential support to people in Germany who are dealing with addiction problems.
Tel: 0180 365 24 07
Hilfetelefon – Gewalt Gegen Frauen
Hilfetelefon – Gewalt Gegen Frauen helpline is a nationwide counseling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence.
Tel: 08000 116 016
Aware is a national organisation providing support, education, and information to people impacted by depression, bipolar disorder, and related mood conditions.
Tel: 1800 80 48 48
Childline is open every day and is for all children and young people up to the age of 18 in Ireland who are in distress, in crisis, or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 1800 66 66 66
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by The Samaritans, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis, or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Pieta House
Pieta House provides a professional one-to-one therapeutic service to people who are in suicidal distress, those who engage in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. All of our services are provided free of charge and no referral is needed.
Tel: 1800 247 247
Text: HELP to 51444
Suicide Hotline
Suicide Hotline provides mental health support to people who are struggling or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 4408457909090
50808 is a free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support. 50808 provides a safe space where you’re listened to by a trained Volunteer.
Text: HELLO to 50808
SOSAD Ireland
SOSAD offers support and services for people who are struggling with suicidal ideation, self-harming, depression, bereavement, stress and anxiety, or if you simply need to talk.
Tel: 041 984 8754
Liechtenstein Emergency Hotline
Liechtenstein Emergency Hotline offers 24-hour service to people throughout Liechtenstein who are in an emergency situation or is at risk of suicide.
Tel: 112
Emotional support helpline
Emotional support helpline, operated by the Lithuanian Association of telephone emergency services, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Jaunimo linija (or Youth line) offers 24-hour emotional help and support via the phone, chat, and emails. Emotional support is free, anonymous, and confidential. Jaunimo linija has been operating since 1991 with approximately 350 volunteers (in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, and Skuodas).
Tel: 8 800 2 8888
Pagalbos Moterims Linija Helpline for Women
Pagalbos Moterims Linija Helpline for Women provides 24 hour support to people in Lithuania who are going through a crisis or in distress.
Tel: 8 800 66366
Altruism Association Moldova
Altruism Association Moldova offers emotional support to people in Moldova who are in distress or at risk of suicide. They operate from 12:00 to 17:00 and speak Romanian and Russian.
Tel: 37360806623
Telefon Copilului (Child Helpline)
Telefon Copilului (Child Helpline) provides 24-hour support to children and teenagers until 18 years of age.
Tel: 116 111
Montenegro Emergency Hotline
Montenegro Emergency Hotline offers 24-hour service to people throughout Montenegro who are in an emergency situation or is at risk of suicide.
Tel: 112
SOS telefon Nikšić
SOS telefon Nikšić provides 24 hour “SOS Telefon” for women and children who are victims of violence.
Tel: 080 111 111
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by Stichting Korrelatie, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis, or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
de Luisterlijn
de Luisterlijn offers 24-hour telephone emergency service throughout the Netherlands. When you are in pain or worry about something, they can provide a listening ear, and you can easily tell your story anonymously.
Tel: 0900 0767
113 Zelfmoordpreventie
113 Zelfmoordpreventie offers 24-hour anonymous and confidential talk that can help you to share your thoughts if you’re in distress or having suicidal thoughts. Their crisis telephone number is accessible for people calling from within the Netherlands.
Tel: 0900-0113
MIND Korrelatie
MIND Korrelatie provides mental health support to people in the Netherlands. The line is available from 9 am to 9 pm.
Tel: 900 1450
Whatsapp: 06 13 86 38 03
SOS Voz Amiga offers emotional support to people in Portugal who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 213544545
Tel: 912802660
Tel: 963524660
Suicide Hotlines
Suicide Hotlines provide emotional support and help to people across Portugal who are distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 21 854 0740
Tel: 8 96 898 2150
Voz de Apoio
Voz de Apoio provides free, punctual, anonymous, and confidential emotional support, without judgment. The helpline is available daily, from 21:00 to 00:00 in Mainland and Madeira. From 20:00 to 23:00 in Azores.
Tel: 225 50 60 70
Telefone da Amizade
Telefone da Amizade provides emotional support and helps to people across Portugal who are in distress or at risk of suicide. The helpline is available every day from 16:00 to 23:00.
Tel: 22 832 35 35
Vozes Amigas de Esperança
Vozes Amigas de Esperança supports people in emotional crisis situations, helping them to find paths and tools for happiness. The helpline is available from 16:00 – 22:00.
Tel: 222 030 707
TelVerde antidepresie
TelVerde antidepresie is a toll-free anti-depression hotline in Romania which is available 24/7.
Tel: 0800 0800 20
Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului)
Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului) provides free and confidential telephone counseling services to people in Romania who are having suicidal thoughts.
Tel: 0800 801 200
San Marino
San Marino Emergency Hotline
San Marino Emergency Hotline offers 24-hour service to people throughout San Marino who are in an emergency situation or is at risk of suicide.
Tel: 113
Centar Srce Novi sad provides emotional support to people who are in a crisis and/or suicidal, every day of the week between 2 and 11 p.m.
Tel: 0800 300 303
Tel: (381) 21 6623 393
Telefono Amico Italia
Telefono Amico Italia provides telephone service can be reached every day from 10 to 24 that listens to anyone experiencing loneliness, anxiety, sadness, despair, anger or discomfort.
Tel: 199 284 284
Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio – linea di ascolto “Parla con Noi”
Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio – linea di ascolto “Parla con Noi” provides mental health support to people who are struggling or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 06 33777740
Telefono Amico Centri in Rete
Telefono Amico Centri in Rete provides mental health support to people who are struggling or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 800 848 400
Samaritans – ONLUS
Samaritans – ONLUS offers emotional support to those who live in a situation of crisis, loneliness, depression, and especially to those who have come to see suicide as the only way out. Service is available every day, from 13.00 to 22.00.
Tel: 06 77208977
Child Helpline
Child Helpline, operated by DROSS Internets, provides everyone in Latvia the opportunity to report cases of sexual violence against children and receive professional psychological counseling and support as well as the necessary information.
Tel: 116111
Skalbes.lv provides 24-hour professional help, support, and information to people in crisis anywhere in Latvia.
Tel: 371 67222922
Tel: 371 27722292
SOS Distress
SOS Distress offers emotional support to people in Luxembourg who are in acute crisis situations or difficult life situations. They operate from 11:00- 23:00 and speak Luxembourgish, German, and French.
Tel: 454545
Télé-Accueil Luxembourg
Télé-Accueil Luxembourg offers 24-hour psychological support by telephone to anyone in Luxembourg that is in distress or is at risk of suicide.
Tel: 107
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by Aġenzija Appoġġ, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Supportline 179
Supportline 179 provides immediate and unbiased help to people in Malta who are seeking information, support, and/or require a referral to social service agencies.
Tel: 179
Crisis Resolution Malta
Crisis Resolution Malta provides 24-hour emotional support to people who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 9933 9966
Kellimni provides 24-hour emotional support via chat to people who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Chat: https://kellimni.com/
Kirken SoS I Norge
Kirken SoS I Norge offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk or write with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 0047 22 40 00 40
Kirkens SOS i More og Romsdal
Kirkens SOS i More og Romsdal offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 70 10 09 92
Mobile: 480 68 328
Kirkens SOS i Bjorgvin
Kirkens SOS i Bjorgvin offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 55 32 58 45
Kirkens SOS i Tunsberg
Kirkens SOS i Tunsberg offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 990 84 320
Mobile: 990 84 320
Kirkens SOS i Borg
Kirkens SOS i Borg offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 930 12 030
Kirkens SOS i Agder
Kirkens SOS i Agder offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: +47 400 00 415
Kirkens SOS Innlandet
Kirkens SOS Innlandet offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Mobile: 47476989
Kirkens SOS i Oslo
Kirkens SOS i Oslo offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 22 57 89 00 (09-15)
Mobile: 464 20 739 (daglig leder)
Kirkens SOS I Telemark
Kirkens SOS I Telemark offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 900 59 297
Kirkens SOS i Rogaland
Kirkens SOS i Rogaland offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Mobile: 971 70 995
Kirkens SOS i Nord-Halogaland
Kirkens SOS i Nord-Halogaland offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 90579518
Kirkens SOS i Trondelag
Kirkens SOS i Trondelag offers 24-hour service in Norway for anyone who needs to talk with to alleviate the pain of emotional and existential crisis – and prevent suicide.
Tel: 92 03 45 48
Mental Helse
Mental Helse provides telephone service and online mail service in Norway to people in crisis, suicidal, and depressed.
Tel: 116 123
Suicide Hotline
Suicide Hotline provides 24-hour support to people in Norway who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 4781533300
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by Instytut Psychologii Zdrowia, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis, or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania ‘Anonimowy Przyjaciel
Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania ‘Anonimowy Przyjaciel provides 24/7 telephone assistance for people experiencing a personal crisis in Poland.
Tel: 89 19288
Tel: 89 527 00 00
Centrum Wsparcia Dla Osob W Stanie Kryzysu Psychicznego
Centrum Wsparcia Dla Osob W Stanie Kryzysu Psychicznego is available 24/7 to people across Poland who need help, conversation, counseling, and psychological support.
Tel: 800 70 2222
Olsztyńskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Telefonicze
Olsztyńskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Telefonicze is available 24/7 to people across Poland who need help, conversation, counseling, and psychological support.
Tel: 19288
Helpline for children & teen & parents
Helpline for children & teens & parents offers telephone counselling to people in Russia who wish to receive emergency psychological assistance.
Tel: 8-800-2000-122
Samaritans Cherepovets
Samaritans Cherepovets offers suicide prevention support to people in Russia. They operate from 9 AM to 9 PM every day.
Tel: 007 (8202) 577-577
Suicide/Crisis line
Suicide/Crisis line provides free and confidential emotional support to people in emotional distress or those having a suicidal crisis.
Tel: (495) 625 3101
Кризисный Центр для Женщин (Crisis Center for Women)
Кризисный Центр для Женщин (Crisis Center for Women) provides assistance to women who have experienced sexual and physical violence, as well as in other crisis situations. The helpline is available from 11:00 to 18:00 (on weekdays and Sundays, consultations of a psychologist, on Saturdays – a lawyer)
Tel: (812) 327-30-00
НеГорячаяЛиния NotHotline
НеГорячаяЛиния NotHotline provides assistance to men who are in distress or is at risk of suicide. The helpline is available every 2pm to 2am.
Tel: 8 800 707 54 65
Zaupni telefon Samarijan in Sopotnik
Zaupni telefon Samarijan in Sopotnik offers 24-hour confidential conversation to anyone suffering from distress anywhere in Slovenia.
Tel: 116 123
Ženska svetovalnica – krizni center
Ženska svetovalnica – krizni center offers free counselling, information on public service competencies, and assistance in organising self-help groups for women in need anywhere in Slovenia.
Tel: 386 31 233 211
Telefon Samarijan
Telefon Samarijan provides 24-hour emotional support for people in Slovenia who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: 41320056
Llama a la vida
Llama a la vida provides 24-hour emotional support, free of charge and completely confidential.
Tel: 024
Samaritans in Spain offers 24-hour help by telephone or email,
confidential for people who are experiencing emotional problems of any kind.
Tel: 900 525 100
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Teléfono de la Esperanza is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, allowing callers anywhere in Spain to discuss a range of challenges from trauma and suicide to relationship issues.
Tel: 717 003 717
Suicide Hotline
Suicide Hotline provides crisis support to people in Spain who are at risk of suicide.
Tel: 914590050
Psikevirtual provides emotional support to people who are in distress. The helpline is available from 10:00 to 20:00, Monday to Friday.
Tel: 91 290 71 77
Suicide Hotline
Suicide Hotline provides crisis support to people in Spain who are at risk of suicide.
Tel: 900 925 555
Emotional support helpline
The emotional support helpline, operated by Svenska kyrkan, provides emotional support to adults who are suffering from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
Tel: 116123
Självmordslinjen (Suicide prevention hotline)
Självmordslinjen (Suicide prevention hotline) provides a 24-hour email, chat, and hotline service in Sweden, all of which are toll-free.
Tel: 90101
SOS phone
The SOS phone is open weekdays from 13:00-21:00 and Sat-Sun-holiday 16:00-21:00 every day for people in Sweden who are depressed, in crisis, or need someone to talk to.
Tel: 031-800 650
Nagon att tala med Samaritans
Nagon att tala med Samaritans provides crisis support to people across Sweden who are in distress or at risk of suicide.
Tel: (46) 31 711 2400
Nationella Hjälplinjen
Nationella Hjälplinjen offers telephone counselling to those who are experiencing distress or need emotional support in Sweden.
Tel: 020 22 00 60
Die dargebotene Hand
Die dargebotene Hand offers round-the-clock counselling and online counselling for all people living in Switzerland. Their well-trained volunteers can help to identify difficulties to regain an overview of the situation and to develop, together with the callers, initial steps that will continue.
Tel: 143
PARSPAS offers telephone counselling to those who are experiencing distress or need emotional support in Switzerland. The line is available every day, from 8 am to 8 pm.
Tel: +41 (0) 27 321 21 21
La Strada-Ukraine/Ла Страда-Україна
La Strada-Ukraine/Ла Страда-Україна is a non-governmental organization that has a national hotline in Ukraine to prevent gender-based violence and national children’s hotline for children who need support and advice.
Mobile: 0 800 500 335 / 116 123 (National Hotline for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Gender Discrimination)
Mobile: 0 800 500 225 / 116 111 (National Children’s Hotline)
Lifeline Ukraine
Lifeline Ukraine is a 24/7 professional line on suicide prevention and mental health support helpline focusing on veterans.
Tel: 7333
Telephone of confidence “Stavropyghion-058” Lviv
Telephone of confidence “Stavropyghion-058” Lviv is a mental health hotline in Ukraine that operates from 12 am -11 pm every day.
Tel: 058
Odessa Confidence Telephone Service
Odessa Confidence Telephone Service is a mental health hotline in Ukraine that operates from 10:00 – 08:00 every Monday-Friday and from 19:00 – 08:00 every Saturday to Sunday.
Tel: 0487 327715
Tel: 0482 226565